Irene van Osch (Rotterdam, 1958) is a passionate composer and pianist. After a career as an international forwarding agent, specialized in French spoken countries, she choosed for the music. In her youth she started playing the piano, preferably by ear.

She took lessons in classical piano mainly by Annemieke de Koning and she was coached by the composers Federico Mosquera Martínez and Marlies du Mosch.  

She composes, among others, for piano solo, quatre-mains, violin or flute with piano and for church organ, in a large variety of styles, ranging from neo and modern classical music to milonga. Nevertheless her own signature is always present and recognizable. Characteristic for her music are several layers of feelings and thoughts, profoundness and unexpected turns: it is never what is seems to be. An example and inspiration source for her are composers like Francis Poulenc, Erik Satie, Sergei Prokofjev, Astor Piazzolla, Louis Andriessen and Jeroen van Veen.

In 2008 she started Arrangetto Music Productions, originally to publish her piano arrangements, but quickly she dedicated herself only to composing.

Irene’s work has been performed by, among others, Antoinette Lammers (concert pianist), Duo Delibes (Esther & Sara Gutiérrez Redondo, violinist Baden-Baden Philharmonie, resp. pianist and teacher Codarts), Henk van Riel and Iddo van der Giessen (organists) and trio TangoZZ’s & More (Wim Warman, tango pianist and teacher Codarts, Ruzana Tsimbalova, classical and tango violinist, en Ruud Bergamin, baritone saxophone).

She performs her piano pieces also herself. Due to her touch she has a specific sound which is appropriate to her expressive music. In her compositions as well as her performances she knows how to transmit emotion to the listener.

Since Irene is a great fan of the French language, she likes to use French titles for her pieces which reveal what it is about. Sometimes French landscapes or atmospheric images are a source of inspiration for her. In presentations of her work she tells which images she had in mind when she was composing. If required, she can give these presentations also in French.

Because her music is very expressive and particularly suitable for drawing, she gives workshops ‘Tekenen/Schilderen op Pianomuziek’ together with the artist and teacher Hella De Boo. In these workshops the participants make a drawing or a painting inspired by piano music of Irene that she plays live on location or in Studio Hella De Boo.